In the Press

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The boxes are being emptied and the shelves laden with 100s of beers as the team from Purvis Cellars prepares to open the door on its new venture, Purvis Beer. The beer-only store in the heart of Richmond opened on Sunday (05/09). A formal launch will take place in a few weeks.

It adds to Richmond’s status as something of a haven for beery types, what with Melbourne’s original micro, Mountain Goat, tucked away in a warehouse off Burnley Street, across the road from great beer pub, the Royston, and with Slowbeer just over the border in Hawthorn.Purvis-Beer-10

The new store should be easy to spot thanks to the bright green “WE LOVE BEER” sign over the door. Inside, it’s a veritable beer corridor (you’ll see what we mean when you visit). And, according to staff: “There won’t be a VB to be seen. It’s 100% boutique beer.”


When Craig Purvis launched Purvis Cellars in 2001, craft beer was barely on the map. WA’s Little Creatures was hard to find on the east coast, and Mountain Goat – Victoria’s second independent brewery since the Second World War – had only opened four years prior.

Still, the shop made a name for itself. It held a large assortment of wine; classic beers from England, Germany and Belgium; and what independent Australian beer was available at the time.

Sister shop Purvis Beer arrived almost a decade later, into a transformed market. As the name implies, it’s devoted solely to beer. Local breweries such as Moon Dog, Two Birds and Boatrocker are all strongly represented here. So too for interstate operations such as 4 Pines, Young Henrys and Feral Brewing; and large internationals such as Sierra Nevada and Brooklyn Brewing.

Most importantly, the staff knows its stuff and can help you navigate the sometimes overwhelming selection. If by some crazy chance you can’t find a beer you like, Slowbeer is just up the road.

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